Economic Development rutland

Economic Development

Economic development is a fundamental part of the overall vitality, resilience, and quality of life of the Region. The Rutland Regional Planning Commission supports planning that leads to the development of a dynamic, diversified, and resilient economy characterized by a strong workforce and sustainable growth.

Contact Our team for personal assistance

Greg serves as our Economic and Workforce Development Planner and will bring a fresh perspective to the Brownfields Redevelopment, Municipal Technical Assistance, West Central VT Economic Development District, and other economic development projects.

Revitalizing Communities

Brownfields transforms sites into productive spaces, which increases local tax base and supports the health of our communities!

Brownfields are properties which cannot be expanded, redeveloped, or reused without the assessment and potential cleanup of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. The RRPC has funding* available to conduct site assessments for properties across the Rutland Region. We do not fund site cleanups – however, we can assist property owners in applying for funding.

To apply for assistance with the brownfields assessment process, please fill out and return the forms below:

  • Site Nomination Form (completed by developer): Click Here
  • Owner Participation Agreement (completed by owner): Click Here

Once we’ve received your completed forms, our Brownfields Steering Committee will make a decision regarding your site’s enrollment into the program at its next meeting, notifying applicants as soon as possible. The Regional Brownfields Steering Committee meets on a quarterly basis.

For more detailed information on the Brownfields Reuse Program:

  • Brownfields Reuse Program Fact Sheet: Click Here
  • Brownfields Reuse Program Outreach Packet: Click Here

Made possible By

The Brownfields Reuse Program of the Rutland Regional Planning Commission is made possible in part by a grant from the State of Vermont through the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Economic Development.

Projects have been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement BF-00A01261-0 to the Rutland Regional Planning Commission. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned in this document.

Economic Development District

Strong Economic partnerships!

A Strategy-driven Plan for Regional Economic Development, unlocking federal economic development funding through a designated Economic Development District.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy – is a strategy-driven plan for regional economic development. A CEDS is the result of a regionally led planning process designed to build capacity, support local initiatives, and develop economic resiliency.

Our CEDS will strengthen local economic partnerships within West Central Vermont (Addison County, Chittenden County, Rutland County, Washington County and part of Orange County) and enable our region to meet current and anticipated economic challenges by forming an Economic Development District (EDD).

To read the West Central Vermont CEDS: Click Here


Recreation Economy

Helping Towns discover and develop the economic value of our world-class recreational assets by expanding access to recreational opportunities.

The recreation economy for rural communities is an exciting new trend and one that capitalizes on the world-class assets existing in the Rutland Region. Whether it be planning for a new shared-use path in West Rutland, providing technical assistance to the Velomont Trail Collective, or mapping and marketing our local assets through the Rutland Asset Mapping Project (RAMP), the RRPC knows the value of expanding access to recreational opportunities, for those who are living locally or just visiting.

Technical Assistance

Healthy Sustainable Growth!

The RRPC provides the tools to build strong economies and vibrant communities!

The list of economic development projects is never-ending, and as new programs or funding opportunities emerge, the RRPC is on the leading edge of providing technical assistance, project development, grant writing, or project management, to encourage and support sustainable growth for our towns.

For more information on the Municipal Technical Assistance Program: Click Here

Technical Assistance

Let’s Get In Touch!

Call us today if you feel inspired to participate or want to learn more about project and grant management programs.

Call Now! 802-775-0871
Resources/ Publications

Information at your fingertips

The RRPC has the most accurate and up-to-date information to save you time, effort, and money in all your local planning endeavors.



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