clean water source rutland

Clean Water Service Provider

The Clean Water Service Provider (CWSP) for the South Lake Champlain (Basin 2/4) is a partnership of the Rutland Regional Planning Commission (RRPC) and Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District (PMNRCD). Together we allocate clean water funding from the VT Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) as part of Vermont’s new Clean Water Service Delivery Act (Act 76), which facilitates funding for clean water projects to meet pollution reduction targets. In Lake Champlain, the pollutant of concern is phosphorus. Guiding us through the project selection process is another group of partners, the Basin Water Quality Council (BWQC).

Contact Our team for personal assistance

Barbara is a senior planner at RRPC, our resident water quality expert and works on a regional and local level to meet state laws, goals, and policies and implement projects to address water quality issues. Barbara also administers the CWSP program for RRPC.

Hilary Solomon is the Director of the PMNRCD, which covers the lands in the Poultney and Mettowee River watersheds, or western Rutland County. Hilary is a water resources specialist with over twenty years’ experience conducting water quality assessments and implementing projects to mitigate water quality concerns. EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 802-287-6880


Referred to as the “formula grant” by DEC staff, due to its built-in formulaic phosphorus targets, CWSP funding is available for non-regulatory projects only, or those that are not required by a State permit.  Approved project types include green infrastructure stormwater practices, natural resources restoration projects on farm and forestland, and stream restoration projects. Restoration projects can include conservation easements, wetland and floodplain restoration, and practices that intercept and infiltrate stormwater in developed areas.

Additionally, project eligibility criteria include the need to achieve phosphorus reduction targets in the watershed within standardized cost parameters. DEC set the phosphorus reduction goal for the South Lake Watershed at 78.1 kg/phosphorus per year. Projects within each sector, stormwater, agriculture, forestry, and streams, have a cost per kilogram target, with the cost per kilogram of all projects in the South Lake Watershed needing to average around $9,000 per kilogram of Phosphorus mitigated.


(Photo: Funded project – Dam removal/bridge replacement, floodplain restoration, and native riparian planting, Sugar House Lane, Dorset.)

Dated Opportunities

Bid review dates


Every three to four months the South Lake CWSP issues a Request for Projects round for phosphorus mitigation project proposals. The BWQC meets shortly afterwards to review and vote on the proposed projects.

  • Next Call for Proposals:      6-19-2024
  • Proposal Due Date:               8-16-2024 (Applications received after this date will be held for subsequent project application rounds)

Project Application Details

The South Lake CWSP is pre-approving potential subgrantees and subcontractors through a request for qualifications process. We are accepting qualifications on a rolling basis. Please request our qualifications guidance document for specifics on the information we are requesting through our pre-approval process.

Let us know if you want to join our email list for up-to-date notifications! (Photo: Funded project – Settling pool to filter out nutrients and sediments from road runoff, North Street, Wells.)

Important Steps for Future Success!


Operation and Maintenance (O&M) keeps clean water projects in proper working condition. A key part of O&M is ensuring water quality improvement projects continue to function as intended throughout their design lives. This is referred to as verification. It involves regularly visiting clean water project sites and using visual indicators to determine the status and condition of the projects.

  • Verification Request for Qualifications: Click Here

To be considered, please submit the RFQ to Barbara Noyes-Pulling ([email protected]) and Hilary Solomon ([email protected]). Submissions will be considered on an ongoing basis.


South Lake Champlain Watershed Map

Use the map below to see projects funded by the South Lake Champlain CWSP.


The Basin Water Quality Council (BWQC) directs funds to projects that have the greatest impact. Ideally BWQC members also participate in the basin planning process, and together with the DEC Basin Planner and other area partners, work toward meeting the strategies listed in the South Lake Tactical Basin Plan (TBP).

Currently the BWQC consists of nine members, selected as follows: two persons representing natural resource conservation districts; one representing applicable local or statewide land conservation organizations; two persons representing municipalities; two persons representing regional planning commissions; and two persons representing local watershed protection organizations within the basin. Additionally, there are several alternate members, who are available to fill in when their corresponding members are unable to attend.

BWQC meetings are held quarterly, or more often if needed. Currently there are one-two BWQC meetings per grant round; one meeting to review projects and, if needed, a separate meeting to vote on projects.



(Photo: Funded project – Stormwater runoff remediation design, Arnold Bay Boat Launch on Lake Champlain, Panton.)


The Basin Water Quality Council (BWQC)
Affiliations – Members – Organizations


Conservation District(s)
Rob Terry – Bennington Natural Resources Conservation District
Katy Crumley – Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District

Land Conservation Organization(s)
Adam Piper – Vermont Land Trust
Donald Campbell – Vermont Land Trust

Paul Donaldson – Town of Poultney
Daniel Redondo – Town of Orwell
MaryAnn Goulette (alternate) – Town of West Rutland

Regional Planning Commission(s)
Sarah Pelkey – Rutland Regional Planning Commission
Mike Winslow – Addison Regional Planning Commission

Watershed Group(s)
Chairperson Shayne Jaquith – The Nature Conservancy
Chairperson Erin Rodgers – Trout Unlimited
Phil McGovern (alternate) – Trout Unlimited


CWSP staff are available to meet with municipalities, landowners, and regional partners to help identify and develop potential phosphorus reduction projects; conduct site visits; determine phosphorus efficiencies; prepare project applications and assist in managing projects.

Call Now! 802-775-0871

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